Warner Dispute Resolution

Fee Schedule

Virtual Mediation Service Fees

The hearing fee is $500.00 per hour, and is to be shared by the parties on an equal basis, unless otherwise agreed; however, payment of all fees and expenses remains a joint and several liability amongst all parties and counsel as to their respective shares.

The hearing fee will include the time reserved for hearing; and, in addition, but not limited to, review of records, briefs, depositions, research and, in the case, of arbitration, deliberation time.  The fee for the reserved hearing time is due and payable at the time the matter is scheduled.

If the hearing is cancelled or rescheduled, a $100.00 administrative fee will be charged to the party requesting the change if the request is made ten (10) or more days prior to the scheduled hearing.  If the hearing is cancelled or rescheduled less than ten (10) days prior to the hearing, the full fee for said hearing would be charged.  If, however, another matter is scheduled in its place, only the administrative fee will be charged.

Ordinarily, the mediator will submit a billing statement shortly after the mediation for all outstanding fees and costs.  If the dispute is not settled in the initial session, an interim bill may be sent.  All bills shall be payable within ten (10) days after receipt.

Contact Us with any questions.
We look forward to hearing from you
and providing exceptional service.

Facilitating Resolution